Welcome to the Story Bistro blog!
Our most recent posts have been cued up for your enjoyment. This month, our focus is on blooming and deepening our online relationships.
(See the footer at the bottom of this page to browse by category.)
Brand Turnaround: An Interview with Karen Post, the Branding Diva
Karen Post, aka the Branding Diva, has a great new book called “Brand Turnaround: How Brands Gone Bad Returned to Glory...and the 7 Game Changers that Made the Difference." I spoke with her earlier this week on the Word Cafe podcast. Here are the highlights. You can...
read moreSchrödinger’s Email List: Are Your Readers Dead or Alive?
If you're any sort of geek, you know about Schrödinger's Cat. Is it alive? Or isn't it? You won't know until you open the dang box. Which brings me to next point: Your eMail list is a lot like that cat. If you think you have one, but you never send out an email, it...
read moreThe Art of Growth: An Interview with Tara Gentile
Everyone has a different idea of what it means to grow their business. Some of us think we need to reach for 6- or 7-figures. Others would prefer a 4-hour work week. And then there are those who would just like to be able to pay the bills and put a little away for...
read moreHow to Stand Out from the Crowd and Build Something that Matters
I have news for you. I'm not Brian Clark. I don't have his name recognition or his mad copy writing skillz. I'm also not Danielle LaPorte or Marie Forleo or even Danny Iny. Nor am I looking for World Domination. And it's not that I don't want to be successful. I do....
read more5 Marketing Lessons from Celebrity Chefs
Storytelling à la Reality TV: What The Next Food Network Star can teach you about marketing
Visual Marketing: A Review and Interview with the Authors
I recently spoke with Anita Campbell of SmallBizTrends.com and BizSugar.com and David Langton of Langton Cherubino Group -- the co-authors of "Visual Marketing: 99 Proven Ways for Small Businesses to Market with Images and Design." If you'd like to listen to the...
read moreAuthor Marketing Club: An Interview with the Founder
Jim Kukral, the founder of the Author Marketing Club (a great resource I found while marketing my new book) was my guest recently at the Word Café. I've pulled the highlights together for you here. Q: What's the Author Marketing Club about? And why did you start it?...
read moreSimplify a Complicated Branding Story
In preparation for the launch of Story Bistro, I reached out to my readers and asked for your best storytelling questions. At least half of the ones you sent were a variation on this one: I work in two distinct areas. How can I incorporate them both into my story? Or...
read moreThe Secret Way To Grow A Successful Business Really Fast With No Effort At All*
This is a guest post by Carol Lynn Rivera. *That was a lie. Just like it is every time you read it in a headline or on a blog or in an email and every time you hear it in a webinar or hinted at in a sales pitch. But did I get your attention? Ok, I admit to a teensy...
read moreHow to Find and Hire the Right Marketing Coach
When you're a solopreneur, freelancer or small business owner, your marketing budget will naturally be tight. So how do you find the right person to help you reach your goals? I've certainly got my opinions on the matter. But I thought I'd ask some of my esteemed...
read moreSSC 1.1 :: The Invitation
Julia stood in the same spot she always came to when she wanted to disappear. The young adult stacks were in the far corner of the upstairs level. It was the quietest section of the store and easy to hide there. Usually. She stared at the...
read moreHow to Avoid Being Killed by Evil Chef Robots
Have you met this guy? He's a very sneaky sort of villain. He's what we call around here an Evil Chef Robot. And he's just one of several marketing-type enemies that could hurt your solo business. Let's take a look-see, shall we? How to Spot Them These buggers tend to...
read moreUncorked: Janelle Hardy Helps You Reconnect to Your Creativity
Welcome to Corkers Uncorked. These are some of my most treasured interviews -- mostly because I get to know my readers (you!) on a whole different level. We focus on your astounding biz-related superpowers and origin stories. Bonus: you get to learn more about your...
read moreIt’s Time to Build a Full-Figure Business
Not a ‘6-figure’ business. Not a ‘7-figure’ business. Nope. Those are tired goals that miss the point and leave out so many wonderful things. I'm building a Full-Figure business. Mine is voluptuously PLUS-SIZED, and I'm proud of it! It doesn't need to be cinched tight...
read moreThe Woman is Planting a Tree in the World
Poem by: Halldis Moren Vesaas The woman is planting a tree in the world. On her knees, like someone in prayer, Among the remains of the many trees That the storm has broken down. She must try again, perhaps one at last Will be left to grow in peace. She sees the hands...
read moreMeFrog: Interview with Joel Orr
Joel Orr interviews Tea Silvestre on what coaches and consultants need to focus on most in order to see success. > Listen to the podcast here <...
read moreOnline Business Hour: Interview with Adam Saverian
Creating an Addicting Brand Adam Saverian interviews Tea Silvestre, on creating an addicting brand. >Listen to the podcast...
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