Welcome to the Story Bistro blog!

Our most recent posts have been cued up for your enjoyment. This month, our focus is on blooming and deepening our online relationships.

(See the footer at the bottom of this page to browse by category.)

SSC 1.2 :: The Meeting

Julia stood on the sidewalk, the letter in her hand. She looked at it again and then searched the storefronts for a matching address. There IS no 404. Am I even on the right street? She craned her neck to read the street sign. Hmm. West...

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The Golden Triangle of Coffee Joints: A Marketing Parable

Locally-based businesses (as opposed to multi-national corporations) are the life blood of any community. And people are beginning to understand the importance of nurturing local economies. But there are still a few hold outs. While it is clearly to our collective benefit to support local businesses, many people still patronize national chains. And the reasons don't all have to do with pricing. If you are a small, locally-owned business trying to compete with the big guys, you might want to consider the following parable. read more

How to be an Entrepreneurial Chef (not a Business Cook)

A few weeks ago, I finished reading Seth Godin’s Linchpin and was immediately struck by this passage: The future belongs to chefs, not to cooks or bottle washers...A cook is not an artist. A cook follows a recipe, and he’s a good cook if he follows the recipe correctly. A chef is an artist. She’s an artist when she invents a new way of cooking or a new type of dish that creates surprise or joy or pleasure for the person she created it for. I'd been mulling that over until what finally came out was my Entrepreneur's Manifesto, which starts off: Be a Chef, not a Cook. read more