Tea Silvestre
Presentations, Keynotes and Workshops
As founder of Story Bistro — an internationally-known company that’s helped hundreds of solopreneurs learn to love marketing by focusing on relationships and stories — Tea Silvestre brings a whole new level of enthusiasm to the process of launching a business.
She’s earned a solid reputation as a mentor coach + trusted advisor + experiential event producer, and now the secret is out: she’s also a gifted speaker with a talent for infusing traditional topics with right-brained, creative approaches that inspire confidence and joy in entrepreneurs who’ve never felt at home promoting themselves or their businesses.
Her first book, Attract and Feed a Hungry Crowd: How Thinking Like a Chef Can Help You Build a Solid Business, has helped thousands of solo biz owners get their arms around non-recipe thinking.
Tea’s available for interviews, speaking engagements + customized workshops and is equally comfortable as an opening or closing keynote, emcee, or facilitating an afternoon workshop or retreat.
Based Portland, Oregon, she’s no stranger to the airport!
Please direct all inquiries to speaking@storybistro.com.
I invited Tea to join a telesummit that I’d created just for entrepreneurs. I selected her because of her unique message on marketing — it wasn’t the “same ole'” BS that we so frequently hear as business owners, and I wanted her unique perspective. Not only is Tea a true professional to work with, but she really gave her best in the telesummit and we got a kick ass response, in part due to her contribution. I highly recommend Tea as a presenter/speaker to anyone who wants a different voice.
Amy WrightTea’s an amazing teacher — you can see this first-hand if you’re ever in a class with her…Teaching side-by-side on Prosperity’s Kitchen, I found her advice particularly action-oriented rather than heavy in theory — which led to some particularly satisfying interactions with students and even audience members who put her tips into practice, then excitedly reported the results back to us. The TL;DR version: Tea is the business storytelling teacher you need to drive your company forward.
Nick ArmstrongTea coached us through marketing plan development using her creative and fresh storytelling approach. She taught us to look at our businesses in a new way, and dream bigger for ourselves. I highly recommend Tea as a business consultant and look forward to working with her again.
Rachel BorschTea’s become my ‘go-to’ person for branding, content and story-telling. Not only is she brilliant at what she does, but she does everything with integrity and heart. And that’s not always easy to find in the online world. Tea was a guest speaker for a pod-casting course I teach — she talked about the best, most authentic way to tell your story and connect with your audience while being true to your brand. As always, she over delivered. If you’re looking for honest training that will grow your business, I can’t recommend Tea enough.
:: Social Media Strategies for Job-Seekers and Entrepreneurs
:: Business Storytelling 101 – How to rethink your marketing plan as a story framework
:: Your Small Biz Test Kitchen: How to Create Purple Cow Products and Services
:: The Prosperous Small Biz Kitchen: How to Price Your Products and Services to Grow Your Bank Account
:: Nine Steps to Find Your Small Biz Secret Sauce and Create an Addicting Brand
:: Slow Marketing: A Healthier and More Sustainable Approach to Building Your Business with Ease and Grace
Is there a topic you’d like to hear about that’s not listed? Let’s chat. There’s always room to customize something just for you.