Welcome to the Story Bistro blog!
Our most recent posts have been cued up for your enjoyment. This month, our focus is on blooming and deepening our online relationships.
(See the footer at the bottom of this page to browse by category.)
Why Your Business is Stuck and How to Move it Forward (Especially if You’re Flat Broke and Jonesing for a High-Priced Program)
Are you like Julia? She signed up for every free e-course that she could find. She's downloaded just about all the free templates, e-books and worksheets that are out there (and most -- if not all -- are languishing among digital dust bunnies on her hard drive)....
read moreThe Hero of the Story: How to Keep Your Dinner Guest in Mind
Five Tips for Writing Clear Marketing Copy
Wordification: Cook Up a Creative Title, Brand or Product Name
You've seen other people do it. Stephen Colbert used to do it all the time. George Bush (Jr) is probably still doing it. Both of them got pretty famous for their efforts (although, for different reasons). That word they create is sometimes called a portmanteau, but I...
read moreDinner Conversations: Engage Your Fans Online
The Golden Triangle of Coffee Joints: A Marketing Parable
10 Totally Unique Ideas for Your Next Blog Post
Nobody ever wants to "phone it in." Our blog posts reflect who we are as a brand and a small business. The more you're able to think creatively about your content, the more you'll be able to generate engagement and interest, right? So I asked some of the brightest...
read moreThe Shy Business Owner’s Guide to In-Person Networking
In today's post, I address a question from Caroline Nash of Carolee Crafts (at least 2 other readers asked about this, so I knew it was really important): I'm very shy and fine on a keyboard, but face to face I freeze. Small talk and I do not mix, and I end up...
read moreGratitude, Goals and a Turkey Day Business Tip
Gratitude is everywhere this time of year. Especially online. I've seen posts on Facebook every day since Nov 1st (it's that 30 Days of Gratitude thing). Twitter is clogged with #Gratitude tweets. And today, multiple posts around the blogosphere hit my RSS feed. There...
read moreVision and Mission: Your Two Brand Messengers
Two turtle doves... It's Day 2 of the 12 Days of Branding. If you missed Day 1, you can find it here. In today's installment we talk about two important foundations for any brand: The Vision and Mission. If you could wave your magic wand and create a perfect world,...
read moreYour Brand and the Marketing Rule of 7
Seven Swans a-Swiming! It’s Day 7 of the 12 Days of Branding. If you missed any of the series thus far, you can find them here. In today’s installment we’ll dive into the Marketing Rule of 7. Never heard of it? Read on! Let's start off today with a visualization...
read more30 Must Reads: My Best Marketing Reading List
I love to read (duh). And when I'm not reading supernatural romances, I'm devouring nonfiction business and self improvement titles. (Amazon loves me!) The following list encompasses some of my favorite, and most recommended titles in the field of marketing. I've...
read moreThe Baconomics of Branding (or, How to Bring Home More by Being Different)
True story: Mr. Perfect and I are moving in together in 3 weeks. Sure. It's just across town. But the headaches are still the same: find just the right place; do gobs of paperwork; make tons of phone calls to various utilities; simultaneously pack-sell-or-trash...
read moreLovably Unpopular: An Interview with Erika Napoletano and a Chance to Win Her New Book
Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that around here, figuring out your Secret Sauce is a pretty huge deal. That's why I was so excited about the chance to talk with Erika Napoletano (the person behind the persona at RedHeadWriting.com). She's got her own...
read morePassion and Purpose: Why They’re Both Crucial to Your Brand
We branding folk talk a lot about passion and purpose. In fact they're two key elements you must figure out if you want to make sure your business has a fighting chance for success. Why? Because Passion is what gets your motor running. It sparks and fuels your take...
read moreYes! You CAN Stop Pigging Out on All That Information
This is a guest post by Zeus Yiamouyiannis, a reader who responded to a recent PB&J newsletter with this bit of helpful advice. (If you're a reader, too -- keep that in mind the next time you're bold enough to reply to my emails!) Okay, you and I do it all the...
read moreSpeak Up! Why and How to Find Your Voice
This is a guest post by Zeus This week I quadrupled sign-ups for my mailing list, and re-taught myself some valuable lessons: Trust yourself. Be original in voice. Put quality first. Tap into your existing community. Write what you know. Here's what happened: My guest...
read moreSocial Media is Bullshit: An Interview with the Author, Brandon Mendelson
Meet Brandon Mendelson (aka BJ Mendelson), an ex-marketer whose recently published book, "Social Media is Bullshit," has been getting mostly favorable reviews. (A lot of the flack comes from folks who make a living from social media.) You can listen to the interview...
read moreStorytelling: How to Captivate Your Prospects and Grow Your Business
Humans. We all love a good story. Especially if they're true. Ever watched a movie based on a true story? This weekend, I found myself engrossed in "Big Miracle." It's based on the true story of the international effort to rescue a family of grey whales in 1988 off...
read moreLittle-Known Ways to Cook Up Great Content
This is a guest post by Adrienne Erin When writing for your blog, it isn't always easy to come up with new ideas. Posting four to eight times a month means finding effective ways to create content that will engage and entertain readers on a regular basis. When you...
read moreStop Talking and Listen! Making Sales by Fulfilling Customer’s Needs
This is a guest post by Gina Smith So, you've perfected your pitch. You've spent hours understanding the needs and desires of your customers. You've created the best possible products and/or services. You've rehearsed in front of family, friends and colleagues. Maybe...
read moreOver-Exposed: When Too Much Marketing is Bad for Business
It happens about the same time every year. We all get a barrage of emails and see a tsunami of ads, blog posts, and offers for a certain program that starts with a B. Affiliate marketers -- even people we trusted! -- were hawking their bonuses left and right, and...
read moreCan You Fail-proof Your Business?
(Hint: Not Bloody Likely) You've all heard Ben Franklin's infamous quote: "...in the world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes." Yes, we've got a slew of new technology now, but unless there's a magic spell I missed, I'm pretty sure you still...
read moreTrue Confessions: I’ve Used and Abused My Body (and it’s Finally Caught Up With Me)
For those of you who don't follow my personal exploits (yes, I've got a blog for those), I was recently diagnosed with not one, but FIVE potentially chronic issues: Vitamin D deficiency Gall stones (I'm one episode away from having it out surgically) Fatty, enlarged...
read moreYour Bank Account is Half-Full Because Your Marketing is Half-Hearted
You have a pretty good understanding of what needs to be done (marketing-wise) in your business. You read all the advice (it's pretty much the same from blog to blog). You know you need a marketing plan. You know you need to do x-y-z on a regular basis. But you're not...
read moreRevamp vs. Rebrand? 10 Considerations for Your Business Website
Most people don’t know that my parents named me Christina. I changed my name to Téa in college (I'll share why at the end of this post). Yes, it’s my legal name. Believe me, the IRS, the DMV and every government office between Los Angeles and Portland can verify this...
read moreA Story of Big Whys and Secret Desires
Another entrepreneurial story from our series... Secret desires, we all have them. by Blaze Lazarony of Blaze a Brilliant Path Many people keep their desires locked up close to their heart. Some of us are brave enough, in time, to speak them out loud. I’m a big fan of...
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