Discover Your Primary Business Story Type

According to experts, 99% of all stories ever told can be categorized into seven basic plots: Underdog, Quest, Journey/Return, Rags to Riches, Comedy, Tragedy, and Rebirth.

Understanding which plot your business/brand story falls into can help you focus your marketing messages and storytelling efforts into a more cohesive whole.



Let’s find out which of the seven major story plots best fits your needs.

For each of the following questions, choose the answer that you identify with most. Don’t think about these too long. Your selection should be more intuitive than logically analyzed.


Ready? Here we go:


My biggest fear about my storytelling is that...

I totally love to...

My biggest weakness is...

My bucket list vacation is...

I started my business so that I could...

I long for...

My own business back story or expertise is best summed up as...

When I express myself in writing, I'm most often worried about...

When I express myself verbally, I'm most often concerned that...

I most enjoy stories that involve...

When I communicate, I...

I've noticed that most of my clients...

When I'm working with my clients, I most enjoy...

My clients can count on me to...

When I'm giving a presentation, I tend to...