Special Series

Doctor Who’s Favorite (Marketing) Dish: Fish Fingers and Custard!
“New mouth, New rules!” — The Doctor Worried that your marketing sounds a lot like everyone else’s? It happens. To the best of us! Usually because we’re too insecure to throw away those sales page blueprints and email templates and create...
This Week’s Marketing Dish: Spaghetti & Meatballs
Tina Robbins, a “core spirit” life coach from Denver, CO, emailed this week’s suggestion. Here’s what she had to say: Spaghetti and meatballs is one of my go-to comfort foods. There’s something about the richness of the meatballs and the noodly pasta...
This Week’s Marketing Dish: Beef Stew
Gloria Miele, a small biz coach from Camarillo, CA, emailed this week’s suggestion while she was cooking up a pot of beef stew over the holidays. Here’s what she had to say: Most of the women in my family make stew this way (with some variation, like deglazing...
11 Tips for Making Your Brand a Word-of-Mouth Superstar
11 Pipers Piping! It’s Day 11 of the 12 Days of Branding. If you missed any of the series thus far, you can find them here. In today’s installment we look at what needs to happen in order to get people talking about your brand. If you know me at all, you know that...
Expressing Brand Values: 3 Case Studies
…Three French Hens! It’s Day 3 of the 12 Days of Branding. If you missed any of the series thus far, you can find them here. In today’s installment I give you three examples of small business brands with solid core values that know how to walk the...
Uncorked: Sarah Arrow’s Secret to Blogging Success
Welcome to our new bi-monthly series: Corkers Uncorked. It’s a new take on the spotlight posts I did at TheWordChef.com (remember the Wordie Hall of Fame?). Those were some of my most treasured interviews — mostly because I got to know my readers (you!) on...
We’re All Guinea Pigs Now: Life and Business as Continual Experiments
A guest post by Zeus Yiamouyiannis. What if, underneath it all, your carefully planned and wished-for life was nothing more than an adventurous experiment? Would that free you or strike terror into your heart? What if you were both the guinea pig and the dude in the...
Create a Truly Memorable Brand Story: 8 Tips to Help You Get the Most Impact
8 Maids a-Milking It’s Day 8 of the 12 Days of Branding. If you missed any of the series thus far, you can find them here. In today’s installment we look at unexpected ways to build an impactful and memorable brand. You’ve heard the phrase, “Milking...
Uncorked: How Gabrielle Taylor Helps Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs Thrive
Welcome to Corkers Uncorked. These are some of my most treasured interviews — mostly because I get to know my readers (you!) on a whole different level. We focus on your astounding biz-related superpowers and origin stories. Bonus: you get to learn more about...
Perform a Random Act of Kindness
This post is part of the 30-Day Bloom Your Online Relationships Challenge. If you’d like to play along, you can sign up here (don’t worry — it’s FREE). We’re all working through these small, powerful actions together and sharing our...
Create an Intentional Space for Your Visitors
This post is part of the 30-Day Bloom Your Online Relationships Challenge. If you’d like to play along, you can sign up here (don’t worry — it’s FREE). We’re all working through these small, powerful actions together and sharing our...
Go Old School: Have a Real Conversation
This post is part of the 30-Day Bloom Your Online Relationships Challenge. If you’d like to play along, you can sign up here (don’t worry — it’s FREE). We’re all working through these small, powerful actions together and sharing our...
Be an Authentic Goofball
This post is part of the 30-Day Bloom Your Online Relationships Challenge. If you’d like to play along, you can sign up here (don’t worry — it’s FREE). We’re working through these small, powerful actions together and sharing our...
Uncorked: Bonita Richter Says Size Doesn’t Matter
Welcome to Corkers Uncorked. These are some of my most treasured interviews — mostly because I get to know my readers (you!) on a whole different level. We focus on your astounding biz-related superpowers and origin stories. Bonus: you get to learn more about...
Teach What You’ve Just Learned
This post is part of the 30-Day Bloom Your Online Relationships Challenge. If you’d like to play along, you can sign up here (don’t worry — it’s FREE). We’re all working through these small, powerful actions together and sharing our...
No, You’re NOT Stupid (Or, How to Keep Your Brain from Melting When Things Don’t Work)
A guest post by Zeus Yiamouyiannis. Is it possible for a Ph.D. in education (me) to take a half-day getting his website email up and going? (Drum roll…) Yes, it is. You’re kidding. I mean, c’mon, this should take a few minutes, right? Umm, not exactly. I know what you...
Starting an Online Business is Like Building a Plane While Flying
A guest post by Zeus Yiamouyiannis. Welcome to the first installment in the Zeus Experiment. Be sure to bookmark the series page so you don’t miss any of the episodes. Schools fool you. Business development courses pull the wool over your eyes. “Come in,” they...
When the Going Gets Rough, Best Have Something to Stand On
This is a guest post by Zeus Why don’t shortcuts work for the important things? Why are real friendships, productive professional relationships, well-run businesses, life callings, marriage, and parenting so inconveniently and persistently demanding? These things...
Uncorked: Michelle Radomski Says Your Voice Matters
Welcome to Corkers Uncorked. These are some of my most treasured interviews — mostly because I get to know my readers (you!) on a whole different level. We focus on your astounding biz-related superpowers and origin stories. Bonus: you get to learn more about...
Collaborations: 12 Ways to Build Your Brand
12 Drummers Drumming! Wow! It’s the last day of the 12 Days of Branding! If you missed any of the series thus far, you can find them here. In today’s installment we look at how to use collaborations to build a strong brand. When you think of drummers drumming, what...
This Week’s Marketing Dish: Tiramisu
Laurie Nylund, a writer extraordinaire from Sandy, Utah, emailed this week’s suggestion. Here’s what she had to say about tiramisu: This Italian dessert means “carry me up” or “to heaven,” which is an apt description for how I react...
This Week’s Marketing Dish: Ice-Cream Christmas Pudding
Elizabeth Todd, the brains behind Income Trigger Consulting emailed this week’s suggestion. Here’s what she had to say about this particular dish: When I first arrived in Australia I was invited to have Christmas with relatives of my girlfriend and there I...
To Heat Up Your Business, It Pays to Learn How to Cook
A guest post by Zeus Yiamouyiannis. Simply turning up the burner won’t do it. Heating up your business means learning how to cook. In fact, developing a successful online business is a lot like preparing a splendid eight-course dinner. To use Tea’s metaphors, if...
5 Goldenly Creative Ways to Tell Your Brand Story
Five Go~lden Rings! It’s Day 5 of the 12 Days of Branding. If you missed any of the series thus far, you can find them here. In today’s installment we look at 5 creative examples of how to tell your brand story. One of the easiest places to tell your story is the...
This Week’s Marketing Dish: Maple Pecan Chicken
Author, freelance writer and founder of The Nonfiction Zone, Cheryl Pickett, emailed this week’s suggestion. Here’s what she had to say: I can’t say this is a really a “favorite” dish because I have what I refer to as “new recipe night or new recipe lunch etc.” at...
Tipping Sacred Marketing Cows: The Hero’s Journey as Ideal Story Structure
This month, I got curious about the best practice of using The Hero’s Journey (aka The Monomyth) as THE structure for our best stories. For me, the problem is that this structure comes with the metaphors of battle built into it. And those metaphors bleed...
This Week’s Marketing Dish: Chocolate Cake
Loran Hills of Loran’s Heart tweeted this week’s suggestion to me after I asked folks to share their favorite foods. Known as the Monarch of Heart, Depth and Focus, and Explorer of the Sacred Realms, Loran helps her clients find clarity and purpose....
How to shovel that hype-driven snow off your business (and reset your goals)
This is a guest post by Zeus. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough hot air. I’m ready to breathe deep that cool, invigorating air of reality, and shovel the “snow” off my business. Yes, the pun is intentional (and seasonal!). Anyone who tells you that you just...
Tipping Sacred Marketing Cows and Changing Stories: “The Money’s in the List”
Want to be different and stand out from the crowd? One of the best ways to do that is to challenge the status quo. And over at the Business Luminaries’ Roundtable, that’s exactly what we’re doing. Talking about the elephants in the various rooms of...
Be Incomplete
This post is part of the 30-Day Bloom Your Online Relationships Challenge. If you’d like to play along, you can sign up here (don’t worry — it’s FREE). We’re all working through these small, powerful actions together and sharing our...
Closing the Deal: Building a Business that Generates Income
This is a guest post by Zeus Many of you, like me, are putting in a lot of time, energy, and money into developing an online business. And yet concrete outcomes (substantial business income, successful products, etc.) sometimes seem so far away. We’re taught to...
Strut Your Stuff: 9 Examples of Edutainment Branding
Nine Ladies Dancing! It’s Day 9 of the 12 Days of Branding. If you missed any of the series thus far, you can find them here. In today’s installment I’ve got 9 great videos for you. These are excellent examples of how you can use the strategy of...
Spinning Your Plates: How to Find Balance and Order
A guest post by Zeus Yiamouyiannis. For those of you just tuning in, this is the latest in a series of posts for The Zeus Experiment, whereby I chronicle my learning curve and ups and downs in developing my own successful online business. Tea Silvestre is my mentor in...
Get People to Hate You
This post is part of the 30-Day Bloom Your Online Relationships Challenge. If you’d like to play along, you can sign up here (don’t worry — it’s FREE). We’re all working through these small, powerful actions together and sharing our...
Welcome to the Zeus Experiment
If you’re following the evolution of Prosperity’s Kitchen, then you’ve already heard of The Johnny Project. But in case you’re new to these parts, or if you’ve missed any of the game-changing explosions of late, The Johnny Project was an...
Show Up Consistently
This post is part of the 30-Day Bloom Your Online Relationships Challenge. If you’d like to play along, you can sign up here (don’t worry — it’s FREE). We’re all working through these small, powerful actions together and sharing our...
Turbo-Boost Your Brand using Social Media (+ 4 Unique Ways to be Human)
Four Calling Birds… It’s Day 4 of the 12 Days of Branding. If you missed any of the series thus far, you can find them here. In today’s installment we’ve got an awesome case study on how to do things that work, plus I give you four new ways to...
10 Quantum Leap Actions to Create a Stand-Out Brand
Ten Lords a-Leaping… It’s Day 10 of the 12 Days of Branding. If you missed any of the series thus far, you can find them here. In today’s installment I give you ten quantum leap actions from ten “Lords” of branding on how to create a stand-out...
Speak Up! Why and How to Find Your Voice
This is a guest post by Zeus This week I quadrupled sign-ups for my mailing list, and re-taught myself some valuable lessons: Trust yourself. Be original in voice. Put quality first. Tap into your existing community. Write what you know. Here’s what happened: My...
Share the Real You — in Pictures
This post is part of the 30-Day Bloom Your Online Relationships Challenge. If you’d like to play along, you can sign up here (don’t worry — it’s FREE). We’re all working through these small, powerful actions together and sharing our...
Give your community a gift… just because
This post is part of the 30-Day Bloom Your Online Relationships Challenge. If you’d like to play along, you can sign up here (don’t worry — it’s FREE). We’re all working through these small, powerful actions together and sharing our...
Remember You’re Already Connected
This post is part of the 30-Day Bloom Your Online Relationships Challenge. If you’d like to play along, you can sign up here (don’t worry — it’s FREE). We’re all working through these small, powerful actions together and sharing our...
Your Brand and the Marketing Rule of 7
Seven Swans a-Swiming! It’s Day 7 of the 12 Days of Branding. If you missed any of the series thus far, you can find them here. In today’s installment we’ll dive into the Marketing Rule of 7. Never heard of it? Read on! Let’s start off today with a visualization...
Vision and Mission: Your Two Brand Messengers
Two turtle doves… It’s Day 2 of the 12 Days of Branding. If you missed Day 1, you can find it here. In today’s installment we talk about two important foundations for any brand: The Vision and Mission. If you could wave your magic wand and create a...
Show Them You’re Listening
This post is part of the 30-Day Bloom Your Online Relationships Challenge. The challenge is officially over, but you can still join us on Facebook to share your thoughts, questions, and a-ha moments. We’d love to have you join us! My own business coach is the...
Ask for Advice
This post is part of the 30-Day Bloom Your Online Relationships Challenge. If you’d like to play along, you can sign up here (don’t worry — it’s FREE). We’re all working through these small, powerful actions together and sharing our...
Tipping Sacred Marketing Cows: “You MUST Have an Elevator Pitch”
Want to be different and stand out from the crowd? One of the best ways to do that is to challenge the status quo. And over at the Business Luminaries’ Roundtable, that’s exactly what we’re doing. Talking about the elephants in the various rooms of our industries....
This Week’s Marketing Dish: Apple Nachos
Keith Pillow of Caddy Marketing submitted the first dish up for examination in my new weekly series that answers the question, “What the heck can we learn about marketing from our favorite foods?” An expert on marketing and communications, career...
Designing a Brand that Works: 6 Key Eye-Catching Elements
Six Geese a-Laying! It’s Day 6 of the 12 Days of Branding. If you missed any of the series thus far, you can find them here. In today’s installment we’ll look at the six key elements of using design to create memorable visual representations for your brand. Set...
Don’t Ask Them to Follow You. Follow THEM First.
This post is part of the 30-Day Bloom Your Online Relationships Challenge. If you’d like to play along, you can sign up here (don’t worry — it’s FREE). We’re all working through these small, powerful actions together and sharing our...
Uncorked: Anne Gillme Helps Expats Connect and Thrive
Welcome to our bi-monthly series: Corkers Uncorked. These are some of my most treasured interviews — mostly because I get to know my readers (you!) on a whole different level. We focus on your astounding biz-related superpowers and origin stories. Bonus: you get...
A Solid Brand Begins with One True Passion
On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: a partridge in a pear tree… Welcome to Day One of my 12 Days of Branding series. Each day — from now until Christmas* — you’ll be gifted with branding advice, case studies and more. If...