Zeus Experiment

Starting an Online Business is Like Building a Plane While Flying
A guest post by Zeus Yiamouyiannis. Welcome to the first installment in the Zeus Experiment. Be sure to bookmark the series page so you don’t miss any of the episodes. Schools fool you. Business development courses pull the wool over your eyes. “Come in,” they...
No, You’re NOT Stupid (Or, How to Keep Your Brain from Melting When Things Don’t Work)
A guest post by Zeus Yiamouyiannis. Is it possible for a Ph.D. in education (me) to take a half-day getting his website email up and going? (Drum roll…) Yes, it is. You’re kidding. I mean, c’mon, this should take a few minutes, right? Umm, not exactly. I know what you...
When the Going Gets Rough, Best Have Something to Stand On
This is a guest post by Zeus Why don’t shortcuts work for the important things? Why are real friendships, productive professional relationships, well-run businesses, life callings, marriage, and parenting so inconveniently and persistently demanding? These things...
To Heat Up Your Business, It Pays to Learn How to Cook
A guest post by Zeus Yiamouyiannis. Simply turning up the burner won’t do it. Heating up your business means learning how to cook. In fact, developing a successful online business is a lot like preparing a splendid eight-course dinner. To use Tea’s metaphors, if...
How to shovel that hype-driven snow off your business (and reset your goals)
This is a guest post by Zeus. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough hot air. I’m ready to breathe deep that cool, invigorating air of reality, and shovel the “snow” off my business. Yes, the pun is intentional (and seasonal!). Anyone who tells you that you just...
Closing the Deal: Building a Business that Generates Income
This is a guest post by Zeus Many of you, like me, are putting in a lot of time, energy, and money into developing an online business. And yet concrete outcomes (substantial business income, successful products, etc.) sometimes seem so far away. We’re taught to...
Welcome to the Zeus Experiment
If you’re following the evolution of Prosperity’s Kitchen, then you’ve already heard of The Johnny Project. But in case you’re new to these parts, or if you’ve missed any of the game-changing explosions of late, The Johnny Project was an...
Spinning Your Plates: How to Find Balance and Order
A guest post by Zeus Yiamouyiannis. For those of you just tuning in, this is the latest in a series of posts for The Zeus Experiment, whereby I chronicle my learning curve and ups and downs in developing my own successful online business. Tea Silvestre is my mentor in...