[A poem]

This isn’t a sales page with secret voodoo marketing tricks.

The truth is there are no secrets.

And you don’t need to be seduced, cajoled, or hypnotized.

Your body and your heart know what’s best for you

and your business.

I’m here to listen deeply.

And help you listen, too.

Are those true hunger pangs?

Or are you simply bored with the plateau?

I’m here to make space for you.

So you can let your words and spirit unfurl their tender wings.

To cheer you along as you test them.

To remind you to work your muscles.

I’m here to hear

what you most need to say.

To tease out your truth with gentle questions.

Only when you’re ready,

will I hand you the shining blade of clarity,

teach you to wield it skillfully,

and then stand supportively with you

so you can trim away the extraneous thoughts, worries, and distractions.

And tell the world your story.

Remember: You are the one who gets to choose…

Will this thing-person-space help me bring forward my deepest desire?

Or would I be better served with someone-something-somewhere else?

Or nothing at all?


This poem bubbled to the surface of my brain last week in the process of writing copy for this summer’s Storytelling Soirée.

I shared it on Facebook and it seemed to create a few ripples so I’m sharing it again here (slightly edited).

It’s a message and a reminder to myself as well as to you.

To approach your copy writing from a heart-centered place instead of a fear-based one.

To say what you want and need to say from a place of trust.

Trust in yourself. Trust in your reader.

Stand in the truth that there are no secrets to disclose. No quick fixes, no magic bullets, no one-right-way.

Your right people will hear what you have to say and take action — when it’s right for them.

Yes, you can and should spend time honing your message and developing your voice.

But invest your professional development dollars wisely.

Make sure you find someone who can give you personalized feedback and attention, if possible.

Then, put the bulk of your energy into writing and re-writing.

In the process, you’ll get clear about what you’re offering and why it’s of value.

And that’s the gift your clients want and need most of all.