(and WHO is that, exactly?)
And now for something completely different.
Rather than hear from me, I’d like to get to know you.
Here’s how to play: Introduce yourself and your business to the rest of the world in a comment below.
Include any links to your website and/or social media profiles so we can check you out (Ahem…I mean, learn more about you).
And then…ask me your biggest burning question about marketing. What are you struggling with right now? What pesky tasks are you unable to accomplish?
Anything, really. As long as it’s somehow related to marketing. And really, isn’t everything about marketing? (Or food?)
I’m looking for future blog topics. And if I choose your question, you’ll get some great exposure (via the post itself and all the regular promotion I usually do for each post), PLUS (wait for it…) I will buy you a cup of coffee at your favorite local (or national chain) hangout.
It’s a win-win-win! (Me-you-our readers!) Okay, get crackin! (p.s. – There’s no expiration on this one, folks. Please add your intros and questions anytime. Free coffee should never end.)
Yowlza! You certainly ARE a bundle of energy, Chef Rachelle! Thanks for stopping by and strutting your stuff. I look forward to learning more about you…and will definitely address the challenge of how to put multiple things together into one cohesive brand. (Hey, did you see my upcoming webinar on How to Find Your Secret Sauce: http://thewordchef.com/webinars-workshops/how-to-find-and-share-your-secret-sauce-with-the-world/ ?) Come back again, soon!
Abe here… I’m a co-founder of ruzuku [http://ruzuku.com/]. Ruzuku makes it easy for passionate experts (such as authors, speakers, coaches, and consultants) to create their own online courses and learning communities.A marketing challenge I’ve been struggling with is how to build awareness of ruzuku. While our current customers love the product and we’ve grown through word-of-mouth, we feel somewhat ‘stuck’: inbound traffic to our site is low, we don’t get a lot of mentions on blogs and social media, and we don’t have much budget for advertising. How can we build awareness of what we have to offer, and interest more passionate experts in our platform?
Clare, I just love your website, it got my attention right away. Kudos.
Tea, it never cease to amaze me of how awesome you are and how you have a wealth of great knowledge. I must give you some props because since i’ve been a member of the test kitchen, I have become more clearer on my targeted audience and just learned so much about how to properly run a business. Kudos to you!!!!!!!!!!!!! My business is Baby Diaper Cakes & Beyond by LaTersa which is a brand under LaTersa Blakely Enterprises, Inc where I specialize in unique baby shower gifts for women who are looking for a perfect gift that will ultimately leave a lasting impression on the new moms. My struggle right now is making sure my content on my website is speaking directly to my audience. i have been making some changes, but i’m having a hard time re-writing all of my content. Also, i’m looking more into taking my online marketing techniques into my community so that people will get to see a face behind my business. I have to make time to attend more networking events. I would love to see some new post on this subject matter for those of us who have a pretty good online presence to offline.
Hi Tea, great idea. Suggestions( to get the word out on my Peak Performance Profit Coaching Services. http://www.smallbusinessfinanceforum.com/tameunrulyprofits/profitcoaching.html I’m offering a free initial consult, and that converts really well. It is getting targeted traffic and initial meetings. PS Fascinating to read everyone elses and your tips!
Thanks for playing, Michelle. And great question. Video is SO important these days. (Especially since Google owns YouTube.) Will definitely add this one to the list!
Hello Tea and all your fabulous friends! So good to meet everyone, (and a special s/o to Michelle Church.) So if you’re really well educated, and great at what you do, and HOW you do WHAT you do is by writing, but you’ve never received a formal writing education – I’m your girl! Corporate Writing Pro (http://corporatewritingpro.com) offers digital training that’s personal and friendly and – most importantly – that works. You can get personalized coaching or take a class with your peers or bring me into your organization and gain clarity, insight, and focus. So “like” me on Facebook – http://facebook.com/corporatewritingpro, follow me on Twitter @Corpwritingpro, and connect on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/corporatewritingpro. Because communication is key! And I’d like to know how to use video to market my products and services more effectively.
Tea, You are amazing and such a creative spirit. Do you sleep? I’d really love to hear how you are managing ALL that you do! I am always updating my site http://virtuallydistinguished.com and I finally have it where “I” actually like looking at it would love any suggestions. I am online management support for solo-preneurs. I too have issues of shyness at networking events but I am going to do something different and start attending more so I too would love to see a blog post about overcoming the shyness. Being involved with you is definitely challenging me to achieve the next level and I am very grateful for that. I would love your thoughts on the 1st place people should start marketing “after” they have identified their target market..more what should they do to engage with that market. Hope that makes sense.
Great idea. I just updated my Website, http://www.findyouronlinevoice.com to make it easier to connect with my clients and solve their content creation and social media marketing needs. And I totally agree with Annie below about the need for balance eseically for SBOs whose plates are full.
Awesome idea, Tea. As you know (but heck, I’ll play too) I am a business coach & web marketing consultant for solo entrepreneurs & artists – website at http://pajamaproductivity.com. I am currently toying around with refining social media strategies and practices to balance the personal commitment necessary for engaged social media with the time it takes to do so. It’s a struggle I think we’re all too familiar with, and I’m seeing more folks just give up on the whole concept altogether, which is sad — I think there’s a way to refine the strategies & use better tools and STILL honor the “social” part … but I’m not there yet! I have ideas, but they haven’t gelled into a cohesive, more refined system yet. Great idea, Tea! Can’t wait to read others’ input on this. Will definitely share this link via @pjproductivity:twitter !
My name is Caroline Nash running a home based business in the UK called Carolee Crafts designing and making gifts and cards. Busy working on Halloween and Christmas at present with not enough hours in the day, lol. Website: http://www.caroleecrafts.com/ . My question how to market myself at events. I am very shy and fine on a keyboard but face to face I freeze, small talk and I do not mix and end up feeling like a fish out of water, stuttering and stammering over trying to find something to say other than the weather, an English hangup.
Hello, my name is Karen Vaisman – I’m photographic portrait artist from Agoura Hills, CA catering to the discriminating client. Feel free to stop by and see my work at http://www.karenvaismanphotography.com. I specialize in the art of retouching and I have a before and after gallery on my site. You can follow me on twitter @kvaismanphoto:disqus , and on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/KarenVaismanPhotography or http://www.facebook.com/KarenVaisman. I specialize in families, pets, and corporate and facebook headshot. A marketing topic? How to find qualified clients in this marketplace. Are people more interested in digital images for facebook or are there more people who would like a finely crafted wall portrait? Nice to meet you all! I can be reached at memories@portraitsbykaren.net 818 991-7787 Agoura Hills, CA